Recap – NICE: why children in early years need to be taught effective hand washing

Recap – NICE: why children in early years need to be taught effective hand washing

Hand washing facilities must be made available for children, staff and visitors

It’s been a few months since the introduction of Guidance by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) that referred to the importance of early years settings providing both an education about effective hand hygiene for young children, but the means for an entire early years community to be able to wash and dry their hands effectively.

This means that by now, all early years providers have had the opportunity to take all the key point on board – and to provide the facilities that are necessary for both compliance and safety.

Growing problem of drug-resistant infections

A report on the Nursery World website indicated at the time that

“The aim of the recommendations is to help address the growing problem of drug-resistant infections.”

The article focused on a number of key areas including the importance of displaying relevant information about resources for parents and carers, ensuring good food hygiene and for staff to provide hand washing teaching to children.

Preschools and nurseries should also be

“providing facilities for thoroughly washing and drying hands for children, staff and visitors. This should include liquid soap and tepid running water, and handrubs when these are not available.”

Soap and water hand washing

The Professional Association for Childcare and Early Years (PACEY) advised at the time that the teaching of hand washing techniques to youngsters is essential by,

“Showing them how to wash hands with liquid soap and tepid running water.”

KiddiSynk portable hand washing for children

Teach hand washing to children – with a portable unit that goes anywhere they do!

Hand washing is the most important lesson a child can learn and acquiring it is an essential lifelong skill. A Kiddiwash Xtra or KiddiSynk portable hand washing sink can be positioned right next to the sand pit – helping to ensure that children dramatically reduce the risk of infection as they finish play.

The Kiddiwash range of warm water hand wash units are perfect for smaller hands – and are ideal where a portable solution is required.

Whether you require a larger wheeled unit such as the KiddiSynk, or the ultra portable Kiddiwash Xtra, you can ensure that all children in your care are able to wash their hands whether inside or out.