Why kids should be taught to wash properly with soap and water – not gels

Why kids should be taught to wash properly with soap and water – not gels

Emphasis on parents and carers taking responsibility for youngsters’ wellbeing

Children everywhere will inevitably fall ill from time to time, however hard a parent or teacher might try to sanitise their surroundings or boost their immune system. There are a couple of simple things that you can do that will really make a difference, according to a recent article on the Extra.ie website.

Teaching effective hand washing techniques and disciplines to children – particularly younger ones – will do more than anything to help wrote the report’s author Aoibhinn McBride.

“It might sound obvious, but teaching younger children, especially the under fives, good hand washing habits can make the world of difference.”

E. coli is deemed to be a particular worry – and it can be passed on very easily without a hand washing intervention to break the chain.

McBride quotes safefood (“Safe and healthy eating on the island of Ireland”) which provides separate hand washing advice for parents and teachers in the form of Rufus the friendly monster.

Washing with soap and water

A quick rinse under the tap is of little or no use according to the article. Similarly, hand gels and other “convenience” cleaning products are not nearly as effective as a proper soap and water hand wash says the article.

‘”Wipes and hand sanitisers are handy”, say safefood, “but they’re not soap and water and just don’t work the same way”‘.

“So in a nutshell, when it comes to hand hygiene, only soap and water will do.”

Want to avoid your kids getting sick? The solution is in your hands »


Teach hand washing to children anywhere – whether it’s in school or on a field trip!

Hand washing is the most important lesson a child can learn and acquiring it is an essential lifelong skill.

A Kiddiwash Xtra or KiddiSynk portable hand washing sink can be positioned right next to the sand pit – helping to ensure that children dramatically reduce the risk of infection as they finish play.

The Kiddiwash range of warm water hand wash units are perfect for smaller hands – and are ideal where a portable solution is required.

Whether you require a larger wheeled unit such as the KiddiSynk, or the ultra portable Kiddiwash Xtra, you can ensure that all children in your care are able to wash their hands inside or out.

Children at the Old Fire Station Nursery try out their new KiddiWash portable sink