Resources include posters as well as guidance
The “majority” of child deaths around the world – a tragic 3.5 million – are caused by pneumonia and diarrhoea. Described as “one of the most effective and least expensive ways of preventing these diseases” is a simple but effective activity that is familiar to everyone. It is of course hand washing with soap and water, according to North Yorkshire County Council’s downloadable document Handwashing in schools: a toolkit.
Despite the importance of hand washing being universally acknowledged, begins the guidance document, it is “still not universally practiced”. Absenteeism in schools is made worse by such transmissible infections “much of which could be prevented by ensuring timely, effective hand washing”.
All schools of course must provide appropriate hand washing facilities for staff and pupils to use on a regular basis and they should make sure that “effective handwashing is normalised”.
Teach hand washing to children
The guidance encourages schools to liaise with parents to help ensure that the importance of hand washing becomes an accepted norm. Hand washing is equally important at school or in the home environment.
A parent communication template for example suggests
“Always make sure your child washes their hands in warm water with liquid soap after using the toilet, and before eating or preparing food.”
Adopt Global Handwashing Day in your school or nursery
The download also advocates that schools should consider being active participants in Global Handwashing Day activities. Taking place on October 15th every year, the campaign has a dedicated aim of “increasing awareness and understanding about the importance of handwashing with soap as an effective and affordable way to prevent diseases and save lives.”
There are many useful potential outcomes of becoming part of the event says the North Yorkshire guidance document. One of the most important is to “raise awareness about the benefits of handwashing with soap.”
Handwashing in schools: a toolkit »
Preschool children being taught to wash hands with a KiddiSynk
Mobile hand wash units for children can be used indoors and out
The Kiddiwash range of warm water hand wash units are perfect for smaller hands – and are ideal where a portable solution is required.
Whether you require a larger wheeled unit such as the KiddiSynk, or the ultra portable Kiddiwash Xtra, you can ensure that all children in your care are able to wash their hands whether inside or out.