How this “common infectious illness” can be controlled by teaching kids well
A number of publications across the UK have recently warned of the onset and spread of hand, foot, and mouth disease in preschools and nurseries across the country. Symptoms include a rash, painful mouth sores, fever, a sore throat and notably blisters on the hands and feet, according to a recent report on the Gloucestershire Live website, amongst others.
The article by Lucy Domachowski refers to a “surge” of cases, with the illness spreading quickly through communities in some areas. Although adults can succumb to the illness, it’s mainly and more often children who are worst affected, she writes.
The article quotes a woman referred to as Sarah, who revealed that her daughter’s nursery was “practically empty” due to the number of children who were affected being kept at home.
It spreads quickly through coughing and sneezing, touching contaminated surfaces and through general close contact. “And because it’s so contagious, it just keeps going around the nursery” Sarah is quoted as saying.
Good hand hygiene, says the article, is essential, with “frequent hand-washing” proving to be an affective way of controlling hand, foot, and mouth disease.
NHS guidance includes hand washing advice
It usually takes seven to ten days for the illness to disappear says the NHS guidance Hand, foot and mouth disease. It details the two stage process of an occurrence and states that it will “usually gets better on its own”. Cool fluids and soft foods can help to ease the symptoms, along with careful use of medicines.
An important way of reducing the risk of spreading hand, foot and mouth disease is to
“wash your hands often with soap and water, and children’s hands too”.
Teaching children to wash their hands well with soap and water, at appropriate times, for at least twenty seconds is a vital lifelong skill.
The most important lesson a child can learn?
It may well be – and it’s particularly relevant when it comes to Hand, foot and mouth disease.
Highly contagious childhood disease sweeps UK leaving nurseries ’empty’ and parents in ‘crisis’ »
Preschool children learning how to wash with a mobile KiddiSynk unit
Mobile hand wash units for children can be used indoors and out
The Kiddiwash range of warm water hand wash units are perfect for smaller hands – and are ideal where a portable solution is required.
Whether you require a larger wheeled unit such as the KiddiSynk, or the ultra portable Kiddiwash Xtra, you can ensure that all children in your care are able to wash their hands whether inside or out.