Hand gels do not work nearly as well as hand washing during farm visits
Described as “Farming’s annual open day”, this year’s LEAF Open Farm Sunday takes place on Sunday 11th June. As ever with farm visits, effective hand hygiene will be the highest priority for visitors and hosts alike.
According to its website, the event is “farming’s annual open day giving visitors the opportunity to learn more about farming and the countryside, and farmers the chance to talk about what they’re so proud of: British food and farming!”
British farms can participate by registering, ordering resources and collaborating with helpers and other organisations.
Potential visitors can find a suitable local event hosting farm, and find out about British farming, the countryside and get involved with educational science and technology based activities.
Why soap and water hand washing is vital
The LEAF Open Farm Sunday website reminds participants of Important things to remember for your visit.
There you will find out about whether you need to register in advance, appropriate clothing, available catering and so on.
Hand washing is deemed essential to help ensure safety for everyone on the day. As the website states, it is very important to keep hands clean and to wash with soap and water at the end of the visit – and crucially, before eating. And do not rely on the seemingly convenient alcohol hand gels option on the grounds that they are not nearly as effective as the more traditional method.
“Please do not rely on sanitising hand gels or wipes to protect yourself or your children against germs that may be present in animal dirt around the farm. Hand gels cannot remove contamination in the manner that soap and water can.”
“To reduce the risk of illness, both adults and children should thoroughly wash their hands using soap and water after they have handled animals or touched surfaces at the farm and always before eating or drinking.”
Enjoy your farm visit – and have a wonderful time!
Children learning to wash their hands with a KiddiSynk
Teach children effective hand washing techniques with mobile sinks that can go anywhere – indoors or out
The Kiddiwash range of warm water hand wash units are perfect for smaller hands – and are ideal where a portable solution is required.
Whether you require a larger wheeled unit such as the KiddiSynk, (top) or the ultra portable Kiddiwash Xtra, you can ensure that all children in your care are able to wash their hands whether inside or out.