Make hand washing fun – introduce a song! Most adults do not washing their hands effectively with soap and water – so teaching...
MorePupil illness accounts for 60% of absences
Hand washing demonstrations are essential for children The Department of Education have released a report which states that children’s...
MoreEnterovirus – why children need to wash their hands properly
Children “most at risk” from virus Health officials are alerting parents and schools to the danger of a virus which has the greatest...
MoreWhy more hand washing is needed in indoor play areas
Parents urged to consider hand hygiene implications Parents should “think twice” before sending children to indoor play facilities in...
MoreWhat you can expect to see at Childcare Expo
Portable sinks and basins – designed with little hands in mind! Childcare Expo Midlands takes place on the 30th September – 1st...
MoreBack to school – the importance of hand washing
The most important lesson that a child can learn Learning outside the classroom has been increasing in popularity in the UK over the last few...
MoreTrips to the park: council advise soap and water hand washing
Hand washing is essential where animals roam freely Sutton Park, located in Sutton Coldfield, is said to be the seventh largest urban park in...
More5 runners up for Kiddiwash hand washing competition revealed
Kiddiwash vouchers awarded to 5 nursery schools Following the announcement of the five preschools that have won Kiddiwash Xtra portable sinks for...
MoreKiddiwash hand washing competition – winners announced!
Five competition winners revealed TEAL understands the challenges faced by nursery staff to ensure sticky, little fingers are kept clean which is...
MoreKinder Day Nursery join in hand washing competition
Learning about hand washing is important – and fun! Well done to Kinder Day Nursery in Birmingham for their wholehearted support...
MoreHand Washing Hall of Fame welcomes Burton Pre-School
Well done Glebe Pre-School, Burton-on-Trent Children at The Glebe Pre-School discovered the fun of washing their hands using a Kiddisynk mobile...
MoreClean hands focus for Penny Pot Nursery
A fun way of learning such an important lesson! The Kiddiwash Kids Clean Hands competition is now in full swing with entries arriving from all...