This is one to try in your own school or nursery! A science experiment for children in America demonstrated how effective – and important...
MoreUnder fives suffer high numbers of norovirus outbreaks
Call for hand washing diligence with young children The need for effective hand washing in preschools and nurseries is again sharply in focus...
MoreWonderful ways to teach hand washing to younger children
“The most important lesson they can learn” Teaching children to wash their hands properly at important times (such as before eating...
MoreTeaching children to wash their hands in interactive hygiene and infection control roadshow
Hand washing lessons from a sneezing wolf and a bug that lights up An “interactive hygiene and infection control roadshow” is being...
MoreTeach and remind about hand washing in early care and education says CDC
Reinforce message with posters and reminders Hand washing with soap and water is described as “One of the most important steps to keep staff...
MoreChildrens’ hand washing must be supervised says Access to Farms
Guidance for farms and visitor attractions as they plan for safe events Access To Farms (ATF) “brings together agricultural organisations...
MoreDifficult to get children to wash hands say over 50% of parents
Teaching good handwashing habits is vital Described as “the most important lesson child can learn”, teaching young children to wash...
MoreHow effective handwashing reduces the stomach bug threat in preschools
There is no cure – good hygiene is the only way to limit the spread of illness Guidance for key Early Years staff has been made available by...
MoreHand foot and mouth disease increase prompts hand washing call
The illness is spreading across nurseries in the north west of England Preschools and nurseries in the UK are being alerted to a rising number of...
MoreWhy there has never been a more important time to teach handwashing in schools
40% of children do not wash with soap says report Effective hand hygiene and the need for it has very much been a focus of attention across the...
MoreWhy it’s important to get kids into a “handwashing routine”
Warning that germs are transmitted more by skin than other surfaces The resident doctor on the This Morning television programme has provided...
MoreEarly years settings warned about norovirus outbreaks in UK
154 outbreaks in 5 weeks warn PHE A warning has been issued by Public Health England (PHE) that levels of norovirus – the so-called...